* indicates required field
Sale of Research Substances (Price List - Date 12/4/18)
Requesting investigators will provide a shipper account number (e.g. FedEx or UPS) so that the repository can bill the shipment using their institutional rates.
Payment Policy
It is the policy set forth by NIA that full payment be received prior to shipment of biospecimens. A purchase order should be attached to requests as required by the requesting institution. Requestors should confirm local payment policy as needed. AgingResearchBiobank staff will provide a cost estimate after submission so that purchase orders can be created. The final invoice will be calculated on the number of vials that will be shipped in fulfillment of the request. Payments must be made in USD only. Payment must be made via check after an invoice is received. Credit cards are not accepted. A W9 form for the biorepository's designated payee is available upon request. To obtain the form, please email
Cost of Biospecimens
Requesting investigators must provide a shipper account number (e.g. FedEx or UPS) so that the biorepository can bill the shipment using their institutional rates.
Biospecimen / Service | Fee |
Pulling vials for shipment
This includes liquid in vials as well as other material such as tissue.
$7.91 per vial shipped |
Pulling and aliquoting vials for shipment | $9.80 per vial shipped |
Cost of Genetic Biospecimens
Biospecimen / Service | Fee |
Custom Nucleic Acid Distribution
Investigators request specifies DNA Yields, concentrations, volumes, biospecimen organization, and biospecimen container for their distribution.
$29.09 per vial shipped |
Fixed Volume and Concentration
DNA will be provided at a fixed concentration of 100ng/ul in a fixed volume of 200 ul or 500 ul (a yield of 2 or 5 ug per biospecimen), with no
specific order of biospecimens requested. The requestor may choose the size from among the two standard options.
$21.14 per vial shipped |
Fixed Volume at Stock Concentration
DNA will be provided at a fixed volume of 20ul of stock DNA (with varied concentrations) in a fixed biospecimen format with no specific order of
biospecimens requested.
$10.00 per vial shipped |
Cost of Data Query and Biospecimen Selection Support
Basic data queries and typical biospecimen selections will be provided by the AgingResearchBiobank at no charge to the researcher. Highly complex queries and selections requiring additional analyst support will be billed to the researcher.
Biospecimen / Service | Fee |
Data Subject Matter Expert Support | $124.00 per hour |